Sunday, July 12, 2015

Rahu (North Node) in 11th And Ketu (South Node) in 5th Axis Astrology

Rahu (North Node, obsession) and Ketu (South Node, let go) are the soul purpose of life. Rahu is future and Ketu is past. Rahu shows what we want, it is obsession over those thing where it sits in the birth chart. Ketu is our past mind conditioning, it shows where we already dealt with and we don’t want anymore. Rahu and Ketu axis shows that, in which area person is immature and need to be matured and in which area person is matured. Where Rahu and Ketu axis fall in the birth chart it shows the most spiritual growth for the native in this life. Rahu and Ketu are the point where Sun (soul), Moon (mind), and earth (body) intersect in the sky. This point is very powerful and it forced to think about who we are and what is life about. Rahu and Ketu are the force which connect us with the divine power.

Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) in astrology are the demons. In hindu mythology story of churning ocean of the milk is related with our subconscious mind. Rahu and Ketu are lunar node which play very important role in evolving the human conscious. Rahu, and Ketu are the confusion, illusion, smoke and split thought of the mind. They always helping to evolve consciously. They are always in the opposite axis therefore they always 180 degree apart. Although they are not the physical planet but they are the most influential forces in our life. Rahu/Ketu axis is the main force of karmic desire can be seen. Rahu is future and Ketu is past.

Rahu is the head which always want to eat and it is obsessed over over those things where it is placed. It is our inner present desire of this life. Rahu is obsession for those things where it placed in the birth chart.

Ketu is the body without head it is our past life experience. Detachment, disinterest for those thing where it is placed in the birth chart. The house that Rahu located in birth chart determines where there is impulse to explore new possibilities and where to engage in new experience to assist your greater growth and life purpose.

So what happened when Rahu/Ketu axis fall in the 11th and and 5th house. Houses are the practical areas of life. Rahu placement in the house shows the area of life in which we need to develop mentally and Ketu shows the area of life where we withdraw ourselves.

11th house is the house of worldly ambition, gains, social circle, culture, network with the society, large group, friends, and elder siblings.

5th house is the house of heart desire, creativity, self expression, children, romance, speculating business, politics, performing arts, fashion, design and gambling.

Rahu (North Node) in 11th house obsessed over ambition to to do something for society and Ketu in 5th house withdraw from creativity and self expression. Ketu (south node) in 5th house in their past life or in their childhood they stand out alone and get importance from other people. They are naturally artistic, have some special talent, have good self esteem sense, they are confidant and they know what they want in life. What they need to learn 11th house things. And they are social network and friendship. Initially they suffer for real friends but they get better in later in life. Because they have difficulty in adjusting and mixing with people, therefore they need to develop social skill. They have natural tendency to get importance but everyone is important. They need to learn that i am not only one who is important other people also important. Sometimes they did not getting importance from others. They misunderstand people and friends and makes themselves alone. They need to develop to give importance and value to others, and learn to fit in social circle and contribute to something in the society. They need to respect their friends and kins and learn to treat everyone equal. They should let go of their importance and learn to give other importance. 

Rahu (North Node) in Aquarius and Ketu (South Node) in Leo sign Axis:

Rahu (North node) in Aquarius sign: They need to learn how to be in the innovators, be original, be humanitarian, be social, unorthodox, revolutionaries and scientific. They need to careful not get into negative aspect of Aquarius, which could be unorganized, anarchistic means rebelling without any cause, unreasonable, antisocial, Detached and not live in own. They need to focus on positive aspect of Aquarius.

Ketu (south node) in Leo sign: They are naturally creative, express easily, appreciate and self-confident. Careful not get into negative aspect of Leo which are being self-centered, being overbearing, stubborn, domineering and arrogant.

Soul Purpose: You are different, have unique thoughts and capabilities. Aquarius is about freedom and different soul expression. They need to do something beneficial for the world. They have good vision and have big dreams to fulfill for the mankind. 

Other Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) Articles